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How Do I Get Started With Cloth Diapering?


Updated: Dec 10, 2022

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Are you interested in cloth diapering but have no idea where to start? When you search for how to start cloth diapering are you bombarded with abbreviations like AWJ, AIO,FST and Ai2? Getting started with cloth diapering can be overwhelming and when you pair it with sleepless nights and trying to figure out how to raise this tiny human you just brought home, it can seem impossible!

I have cloth diapered 5 kids off and on for over 13 years and during this time I have learned a lot through trial and error, research, and by talking to other parents who have also spent countless hours researching the ins and outs of cloth diapering. I do not consider myself a cloth diaper expert or a writer; I am just a mom who is passionate about cloth diapering and I hope to help as many families as possible get started on their cloth diapering journey.


How Many Cloth Diapers Do I Need?

It depends on how old your baby is and how often you want to wash diapers. Most newborns use 10-12 diapers a day. Once your baby is about 6 months old you typically will use anywhere from 6-8 diapers a day. Of course, each baby is different and some will use more than others. 20-24 diapers is a good starting place for an every-other-day wash routine, if your baby is older you may be able to get by with 12-16 diapers.

What Supplies Do I Need to Get Started?

You really do not need a lot of extra stuff to get started. You of course need the diapers and a place to store your dirty diapers. Some people store their dirty diapers in an open laundry basket, I keep mine in a 13 gallon trash can with a lid and these reusable waterproof pail liners. They also make hanging wetbags that zip close, this is a great option if you do not have a lot of space.

What Type of Cloth Diaper Should I Get?

Pocket Diapers




Flat Diapers

Flats are large squares of absorbent fabric that require you to fold them into the shape of a diaper. There are lots of different fabric options when it comes to flat diapers, most are made from cotton or bamboo. Flat diapers are very economical, you can even use old receiving blankets as a flat. Flats are easy to wash and quick to dry. They do require a cover and you will need to fasten the diaper with either a snappi or pins. There is a bit of a learning curve since you have to fold them, but I promise it is not as hard as it looks!


Preflats are new to the cloth diaper world, they are a combination of prefolds and flats. They are typically made of a couple of layers of absorbent fabric like cotton and/or bamboo. Preflats are more user-friendly, you simply trifold the middle section and wrap the wings around your baby's waist and secure it with pins or a snappi. Preflats do require a cover, I like to let my little one go cover free at home once or twice a day. Preflats are easy to wash, dry quickly, and are very trim. You can easily add extra absorbency by placing an inset or booster in the middle.

Fitted Diapers

Fitted diapers are my favorite option for nighttime, they are usually super absorbent and will keep my little one dry all night. They are shaped like a pocket or AIO but they require a waterproof cover. The entire diaper is made of absorbent material and a lot of fitted diapers come with extra inserts or boosters. Some fitted diapers have snaps or velcro, there are also fitted diapers that require a snappi or pins to fasten them with. Fitteds can be very bulky compared to other options and take a long time to dry.

Contour Diapers

A contour diaper is hourglass-shaped and does not contain elastics. They also do not have snaps or velcro and require a snappi or pins to fasten them. Most contours will come with trifold inserts that you lay in the diaper. They are easy to use and are not as bulky as fitted diapers. Contours do require a waterproof cover and you can easily add extra boosters for more absorbency.

Our online store carries a variety of different brands and types of diapers to help get you started. We also offer convenient variety packs to help make the transition into cloth diapering a little easier for you. Cloth diapering is not that difficult once you get a routine down and find the diapers that work best for you and your baby. If you are still unsure about what to get check out our monthly cloth diaper subscription box. Each month you will receive different types and brands of cloth diapers and accessories. This is a great way to build your stash and try out different diapers. It also makes the perfect baby shower gift! If you are interested click the button below to sign up. Next week we will be diving into how to wash cloth diapers.


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